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Re: windows

    If you really want to do the windows right I suggest that you get hold
of a copy of "Acrylic Plastic Viewports" by Jerry Stachiw.  He wrote the
book on sub windows!  He talks about cast acrylic but not in the raw form.
It should be heated in a controlled way at least twice via his specs.  When
you heat acrylic plastic the first time it goes though a "shrink cycle".
Here it looses diameter and gains thickness.  It is then machined and
reheated to anneal it properly.  If this is not done stresses can be set up
in the plastic.  There is a lot to research on this subject to be safe.  I
think there is a white paper I did on this subject once upon a time on the
PSUBS site.
    Are you  building a dry sub?

Gary Boucher

At 07:12 PM 8/16/98 PDT, you wrote:
>Well, Im ready to put my windows in , but the plastic shop says that 
>1.25 inch acrylic comes in either lamanated or cast!  Does anyone know 
>if one is better than the other for our application?
>                                 Steve McColman, Vancouver Island
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