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Re: Thru hull device

I - personally - agree with Richard Morrison, maybe your solution could work
but you really need to test it deeply. But since I'm not so expert I don't
want to sentence about it, I would take your request for some sketches as an
interesting proposal which could help the site growing and being helpful: I
would really like to see a "how-to" section of the site with suggestions,
sketches, diagrams... everything about the p-sub design with contribution
from members. I think this would help to diffuse the knowledge and the
Just a proposal.

Scott Shakespeare wrote:

> >Scott,
> >I hope you don't take this too personally, but your idea scares me!
> I'm
> >probably being overcautious but why would you want to risk your life on
> >a $7 solution to a $50 problem?  Both small amounts compared to the
> >thousands you will no doubt spend on your sub.  Don't scrimp on the
> >parts that keep bouyancy (and life) threatening water out.  If you are
> >going to rely on testing (which I agree is a valid way to go) make sure
> >you do some significant cycling of the mechanism.  You want to test it
> >far more than you expect to operate it in it's longest lifetime
> >otherwise you are simply testing it in actual operation a year or two
> >down the road.
> >Take care,
> >R. D. Morrisson
> >
> I appreciate the concern, if you don't feel that my idea will work well,
> then I guess I need to ask you for a sketch of your idea. I ordered the
> Parker o-ring catalog (I think it's the same one Ken told me about?) off
> the net, so If you could draw me something up, I would be grateful. I
> use a macintosh with graphic design software, so if you could save it as
> a tif or jpeg, that would be great!
> Thanks,
> Scott Shakespeare
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Paolo Velcich
industrial designer

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