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Re: Liability

    I do not know about all state laws.  I live in Louisiana.  But, here
you can not sign a document saying that you will not hold responsible and
have it stick.  I would imagine that it is the same in most states if not
all states.  As far as experimental aircraft go, I have some experience in
that area.  Many people will not sell an experimental aircraft that they
have personally built due to the product liability surrounding the
construction.  Years and several owners between construction and an
accident will still expose the builder to liability claims.  This is why I
doubt that I would ever sell my sub.  Your best shot for protection if you
can not buy insurance is to build and operate a safer sub.  As far as
experimental aircraft go, the word "EXPERIMENTAL" must be placarded in
plane view of the pilot.  This however is a federal requirement and has
nothing to do with protection against liability

G Boucher