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Announcing the ISSUES@PSUBS.ORG mailing list.
As the group grows and more issues are raised for discussion
that target organizational structure and appearance, the need
for a separate mailing list has become apparent.
Effective immediately, a new mailing list, issues@psubs.org,
has been created to discuss topics including, but not limited
to, the PSUBS Web Site, business cards, logos, mottos, group
organization, and any other similar topics that arise in the
Subscription Instructions:
Send mail to majordomo@psubs.org with the
following line in the body of the message:
subscribe issues
Hopefully, the topic split is obvious enough that there
shouldn't be too much of a need for interpretation. If you
genuinely feel someone is opening or discussing a topic in
one list that would be better served in the other list, please
"gently" guide that person to the other list. While the
Personal_Submersibles list is advertised in numerous places
on the Internet, the Issues list will most likely only be
advertised on the PSUBS web site. This means new members
to the Personal_Submersibles mailing list will have a tendency
to bring up off-topic discussions more than those of us who
are seasoned users of the mailing list, simply because they
may not be aware of the alternative ISSUES mailing list.
Additionally, we should expect the transition of existing
off-topic discussions in the Personal_Submersibles mailing
list to take some time simply because the archives will
always contain references to those discussions.
As a PSUBS participant, you should expect that the new Issues
mailing list will continue to discuss group organization,
possibly at an increased pace since it is a dedicated environment
for such topics. If you have even the SLIGHTEST interest in
the formal organization of this group you should subscribe to
the Issues mailing list so your comments and suggestions can be
heard. When final agreements are reached in the ISSUES mailing
list, you should expect to see an announcement of it in the
Personal_Submersibles mailing list since it may affect you.
Finally, your participation in PSUBS is important. If you don't
think something is working quite right or have a better suggestion
for something, bring it to someones attention and let's talk
about it. From our humble beginnings of 5 participants in
Feb 97, we have grown to nearly 12 times that founding number.
Three cheers for PSUBS!
Jonathan Wallace
PSUBS Internet Resource Sponsor