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Re: PSUBS Icon


Not being shy to put in my two bits:

"Bringing the people to the sea"
"Commute Underboot"
"Be your own Costeau"
"Be in the Undersea World Of Jaques Costeau"
"This bubble is thine"
"Sea 3D"

Any "Sea Hunt" slogans?


> >"Mobilis In Mobili"
> I like the idea, but how about taking it from a different angle
> and coming up withh our own motto and then translating it to Latin?
> "deep water mobility"
> "mobility under the sea"
> "under water mobility"
> Ok, so I'm not so good at this, but I'm sure someone can come up
> with a unique motto for us.  If not, I'd agree with your suggestion.
> Jon