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Re: Dolphins

Hi Paolo,

No, not dead. We are pausing to catch our breath.

Onto the dolphins. I have see the US Navy insignia, my son-in-law is a
US Submariner. They are actually an ugly fish. I would rather do something
with the dolphin we usually think of, the mammal one.


> Hello,
> is the list dead or did I get out of it?
> I received this message as the last one, is it right?
> Thank you for your help.
> Bye
> Paolo
> Rick Lucertini ha scritto:
> > Marsee Skidmore wrote:
> >
> > > I think there's some confusion here. The US Navy insignia dolphins are fish
> > > dolphins (Coryphaena hipurus or Coryphaena equisetis), not mammal dolphins
> > > (Delphinidae whatevers). :-o Joe
> >
> > Wow, the graphic artist must have been narced out.  The dolphins I've seen look more like Flipper than
> > Dinner.
> >
> > Rick Lucertini
> > Vancouver, Canada
> --
> Paolo Velcich
> industrial designer
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