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Re: Pressure compensated thrusters?

Gary R. Boucher wrote:

> If you connect a line from the motor to any "air bubble" in a ballast tank
> you will get trapped sea water in the line and it will eventually get
> inside the motor housing unless extraordinary precautions are taken.

For example, if you design a "bubble chamber" or air sump high up in the cockpit, have a couple of S
curves in a transparent line - so you can keep an eye on it - and have a water sump as an indicator
for water intrusion.  All these steps, as redundant as they are, are necessary to avoid being stranded
by a dead motor. (ref. my previous post included below)

Rick Lucertini
Vancouver, Canada

> > Hi, Steve and all - that's an idea I thought of, too.  It'll work as long
> as you make sure that the
> > pocket is a true air sump and not just a bubble that will move around
> exposing the intake of the
> > compensating pipe to seawater.
> >
> > Rick in Vancouver.