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Re: Business Cards


Maybe we should Incorporate and copywrite the cards. I did start this thread
saying it was a silly idea. :)


>>My intent with generic cards was that no one had to fork over money for a
>>whole box. You are right though, personalised cards would have more impact.
>My choice would be for generic cards for a couple of reasons.  Cost will
>a factor if we force everyone to personalize.  I probably don't have a need
>500 cards and wouldn't spend the $30/$50.00 dollars it will cost to have
>created.  Don't forget that multicolored cards start costing some real money
>to have manufactured.
>On another angle, we should attempt to have the cards actually mean
>instead of just being a card that anyone can get at.  Not that "anyone"
>necessarily want our card since it's so specific an interest, but the
>occured to me, how do we control people using the cards that are not
>members.  And then I thought, nobody is a member, we are just participating
>a mailing list.
>Anyways, I stopped thinking at that point.  :)
>Perhaps we can have a base template.  Create generic cards for those of us
>don't need them personalized or don't want to absorb that cost.  Let those
>want to have personalized cards, have the template and get their cards at
>their own leisure.
>I guess my point is that, other than the web page and mailing list we have
>official "organization".  There's currently nothing in place to stop anyone
>from representing themselves as the "official" of the organization, and with
>no control on personalized cards anyone can represent themselves as such.
>And I might be over-intellectualizing on this as well.
>Probably not a problem.