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Business Cards Design

Mike here,
While we were still in the shipyard being put together, the Supply
Officer set up a contest among the crew for the design of our ship's
logo, then the final design went back to the crew as a coloring
contest. In the military, you have to have colors which are
heraldically correct (like a knight's shield design).
I was once a member of the Society for Creative Anachronism, and
studied heraldry as a sideline, so if you need a heraldic opinion,
write me,OK?
Talk about another stupid idea, what would everyone think about a
plastic-type card which can have a full-color picture printed on it.
Of course if you all want our photos on these cards, that can be
How about a photo gallery of members?



---Jonathan Wallace <jon@whoweb.com> wrote:
> Scott Shakespeare wrote:
> >I would be happy to design something for the group.
> Sounds good to me.  Maybe we can put the artwork up on the website
> to solicit comments?
> Jon

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