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AUV Scope


Another stupid thought. Actually more of an obersavtion. Our charter is for
manned submersibles. At least that is what the statements on the main web
page imply. 


A Personal Submersible is any submarine whether dry, semi-dry, or wet,
one-man,  two-man or more, that are owned, and operated by individuals or
small private groups or clubs. In general, a Personal Submersible is any
submarine that can be owned by the public.

Should the page be ammended to:

A Personal Submersible is any submarine whether dry, semi-dry, or wet,
un-manned, one-man,  two-man or more, that are owned, and operated by
individuals or small private groups or clubs. In general, a Personal
Submersible is any submarine that can be owned by the public.
