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Flat Hatch

First, the disclaimers:

> The following is the result of a back-of-the-envelope, quick and dirty

> If you would like to follow this path, obtain the services of a Licensed
Professional Engineer, or whatever the equivalent short fat bald guy is in

> I'm not a Licensed Professional Engineer. This is free advice. You get
what you pay for.

Per "Formulas for Stress and Strain," Roark, R.J., Second Ed., 1943, Table
X, Formulas for Flat Plates, Case 1, Edges supported, Uniform load over
entire surface, Circular solid plate, Steel (36 ksi Yield Stress, .3
Poisson's Ratio), 20 inch diameter, 200 psi applied load, Factor of Safety
of 1.5:

Thickness = 1.015 inch

Yeah, pretty darn thick. :-o Joe