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RE: flat hatch
In my career as submersible pilot since 1991, I have worked with five different submersibles. The three types of deep submersibles I have worked with are Perry PC1203 and Perry PC1205, both 1200 ft rated and ABS classified. These have 3/4" thick hatches with a flat conical viewport in it.
Currently I work at Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute with the Johnson-Sea-Link I and II submersibles (Both rated to 3000 ft), and the Clelia (Perry PC 1204, rated to 1000 ft). The JSL subs have a flat aluminium hatch assembly which is 5" thick, and is 18" diameter; however, the sealing surface is conical with a 44 degree angle and an o-ring seal. It is assembled in an acrylic sphere. By the way, the hatch is very lightweight and it only takes two small springs to be able to open it singlehanded.
Have you considered making it out of Acrylic? Reynolds in Colorado or Stanley Plastics in England are very capable of manufacturing to ABS standards.
I hope this gives you an idea of what it would be like.
Kind Regards