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Well, it's probably time I spoke up and introduced myself. My name is
Scott Shakespeare, I live in Seattle Washington, and I'm building a 1
person 1 ATM sub. I would guess that I'm half way done.
My sub is a "flyer" type sub, that resembles a sailplane without the
long tail and long wings. Being a Graphic Designer and not an engineer,
aesthetics are very important in my design. However, that doesn't mean
that the construction or safety have been compromised, I just have a
different take on what my sub will do and how it's built.
This group has already answered many questions I've had, and having
access to people on the other side of the brain will be invaluable.
So, to jump right in, here is my first question...
I have, as I'm sure many of you have, a 2-inch binder full of articles,
pictures, photocopies, and brochures of my submersible research that I
have collected over the last 10 years. And one of the most important
pieces is an article out of Popular Mechanics April 1990 (this is the
article that lit the fire for this project of mine) about Graham Hawkes
Deep Flight sub (yes I have seen the web site). and one of the then
projected features of his sub was something called an Aluminum Oxygen
battery (ALOx). He was going to mount a pair of these under the wings.
The article describes them as aluminum plates doused in seawater, scaled
up from units that power emergency-buoy beacans. I have been unable to
find any info on how these really work. does anybody have any ideas?
Thanks, it's good to be aboard.
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