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Re: Submarine construction?

Hi Paul,
>From what I have read, fiber reinforced plastic is the common and best way to go. You have many choices for the fiber in the reinforcement. For ambient pressure the steel would be heavy...  What do you plan to do for the ballast tanks?
>I just subscribed recently, and I'm wondering what everyone favours for
>the construction of the hull on 1 atmosphere subs and subs built for use
>at ambient pressures?  I'm just getting started with submarines, and hope
>to eventually build rather large subs.  At first, for my first sub, I was
>going to hack up a water tank with an oxy-acetylene torch.  Then I got
>thinking about things, and decided that fiberglass would probably be a
>better way to go.  What's the general consensus on hull building?  TIA,
>Paul Anderson