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Re: Is It REAL, Or Is It...

Coast Guard Kiteman wrote:

>         This is a question for any P-Subbers that live in Miami or Ft.
> Lauderdale.
>         I was just in S. Florida last weekend.  While driving on Interstate
> 95, I noticed the
> "submarine" next to the highway where "Atlantis (The Water Kingdom<?>)" use
> to be.
> Is/was that a REAL submarine at one time, or is it just a prop?
> -Allan "CGK" Gaines
>  North Carolina, USA
> [For those that don't know, this 'sub' appears to be a medium<?> sized
> research<?> sub
> sitting on two integral skid/legs.]

  This is a real sub if you get off and look at it, it was used as a cable
It look very impressive, up close.