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Re: HP, weight and visability

>Unless it's a 1 atmosphere thing, why not just build the hull the shape you
>want and let those empty spaces fill with water then... at least you wouldn't
>have to haul the weight down the highway.  So we've come full circle on that

If water were the filler, it wouldn't be controlled. If the buoyant foam were used with lead inserts, that would be more controlled. By lead inserts I mean droppable ballast that may release on command. Why would one use droppable ballast on a flier sub? If the main hull flooded through an impact or something, you would still want the buoyancy to float to the surface. This is just a thought though. I don't know if the buoyancy would be needed if the cabin flooded (it may still be buoyant enough without it).

>Another question I have regarding the Vash or Deepwater Flight.  They are not
>1atm.  So when you zip from 10 ft to 40 ft and back to 10 ft again in almost
>no time, how do you deal with pressure equalization in the inner ear, and
>doesn't this violate the diving rules on safe ascent?

Good question.  I don't know.
Does Jon know the answer to this one?
I would think an inner pressure hull is the answer. 1ATM and a flier...
