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Re: HP, weight and visability

>I think you're laboring under a suggestion I made to you out of context.
>When I mentioned that fact, in was in the context of the VASH, which has
>and outer and an inner shell. Either one (outer or inner) could be metal,
>but since the outer one was formed so much, it would be impractical to make
>it from steel. Thus the inner shell had to be metal to be certified.
>In general, you don't need two shells, unless the outer one is fiberglass
>or some other composite material.
>I hope this clears things up a bit...

Hi Jon,
It wasn't your descriptions of the VASH that lead me to believe this. It was another site somewhere although I can't remember which one. What does matter is that I don't need the internal shell in order to be certified! Good! This will simplify things and reduce costs as well.
Thanks for the clarification...