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Re: Batteries AGM

Hi Ray,
>Money what's that? Is that simular to the mythical object called... time? :)
Yes.  It's funny how they both disappear eh?  :)

>He uses two pods for incase one floods he still has power and some lift from
>the air in the other pod. Actually in some of our coorespondance he stated that
>he once had a battery explosion. It occured at depth when he turned the power
>on to his big motor at the stern. He heard a bang and the sub immediately 
>started to list. He blew the MBT's and made it to the surface.
Better that than the main hull!!!  

>> Concorde is not very responsive to my E-mail requests.
>> I've found that most of the companies respond in the above fashion. :)
>Does snail mail work any better? 
I haven't tried snail mail. 

>> I wonder if any of the group is near Colarado? Reynolds Polymer in Colarado
>> is the most common supplier of acylic to those great looking subs! I haven't
>> found them on the Internet yet but many sub builders have pointed me in this
>> direction.
>Anyone got an snail mail address? 
I have only managed to get the name. Sub builders aren't too cooperative when you mention that you are building your own sub...  :)   The above company supplies the sub builders as well as many acrylic companies that fabricate their own products. It seems to be "THE" company to talk to.

