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FYI: questions for newspaper story (Fwd)


I'll let you know more when I learn more.


P.S. As for as I know we have no family relation.

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Date: Mon, 20 Apr 98 11:30:29 -0800
From: "Bob Keefer" <bkeefer@guardnet.com>
Subject: questions for newspaper story
To: ray@psubs.org

Hi Ray:

I'm a feature writer at The Register-Guard in Eugene, Oregon, and am 
interested in doing a story on personal/recreational submarines around 

Came across your web site and would love to talk with you. Can you e-mail 
me a phone number and a couple times I might reach you? If, for some 
unexpected reason, you're in Oregon, you can reach me toll-free at (800) 
377-7428 x2325.

Thanks for your help.

Bob Keefer
(541) 338-2325

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