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Re: HP, weight and visability

You could expect large directional errors in your readings at 45deg, as the
coils can only swing 15deg from level.

"For example, in Mountain View, CA, for each 1deg of tilt, there would be
about 3deg of heading error. In Greenland, for 1deg of tilt, there can be
about 10deg of heading error"

Dave Everett

I have assumed that something would be available for this type of thing. I wonder what the DeepFlight uses? Is the gyroscope the best thing for this application? I have read into the T-subs and how they deal with it. They rely on memory of the area as well as the compass due to the stability of the ride. I only remember a few p-subs that exceed the 80 degree limit. DeepFlight and Jon's. I believe Jon's was still in the concept stage right (not AUV's but the one that was discussed with Dennis(Dusty))? What has everyone else in the group done for navigation? I realize that the better portion of the    p-subs in the group don't exceed the 80 deg limit but I am curious anyhow.

I still wonder if the majority of the p-subs in the group have an inner hull? If so, what is it made of? My idea is along these lines:

An inner hull of 1/2 inch and outer of 1/4 inch. The space between the two will be used as soft ballast (or open to the environment). I was going to give the outer hull the thicker hull and use that as the pressure hull but that forces the issue of pumping out the water if I want to use it as a ballast. If not then it would be better to give the outer hull the thicker hull and use the supports holding the inner hull for reinforcing beams for the outer. Having the inner hull as the pressure hull also allows me the luxury of a safety shell before anything makes it to the inner main pressure hull.

Any thoughts from anyone? So many things to consider...

