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Re: Begining

I think that the best way to begin is to write a specification. Writing a
spec forces you to organize your thoughts, and establishes the design
baseline. You might be surprised at how much you learn about the interaction
of different systems, and how many compromises must be made. Besides, paper
is cheaper than hardware. :-o Joe
-----Original Message-----
From: Marcelo Rodrigues <alatza@hotmail.com>
To: Personal_Submersibles@psubs.org <Personal_Submersibles@psubs.org>
Date: Tuesday, March 31, 1998 4:46 PM
Subject: Begining

>  Hi Everybody!
>  I'm an eletrical engineer and diver, recently I decided to build a
>submersible for personal use. It will be the first time that I have
>contact with the development of underwater vehicles design, because
>that, I don't know what is the better way to begin the project.
>  I intend to build, first of all, a simple pressure hull, without any
>system, just for learn more about pressure, structures and viewports.
>  Is it a good begining?
>  Thanks for any information that help me.
>Marcelo Rodrigues
>Sao Paulo - Brazil
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