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Re: Begining

> From: Marcelo Rodrigues <alatza@hotmail.com>
> To: Personal_Submersibles@psubs.org
> Subject: Begining
> Date: Tuesday, March 31, 1998 8:33 PM
>   Hi Everybody!
>   I'm an eletrical engineer and diver, recently I decided to build a 
> submersible for personal use. It will be the first time that I have 
> contact with the development of underwater vehicles design, because 
> that, I don't know what is the better way to begin the project.
>   I intend to build, first of all, a simple pressure hull, without any 
> system, just for learn more about pressure, structures and viewports.
>   Is it a good begining?
>   Thanks for any information that help me.
> Sincerely,
> Marcelo Rodrigues
> Sao Paulo - Brazil 
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