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Re: thank you ken

Ken, how do you seal where the wires come out of the motor?


> I think Minkota motors have enough room along the shaft to possibly install
> two seals although I have not tried it. Be aware that if you don't use some
> sort of active current limit in series with the motor a locked shaft will draw
> enough current to demagnetize the permanent magnets and effectively ruin the
> motor. The controllers offered by Minnkota have this feature  as well as my
> design and use the same switching frequency as my motor controller at 20 Khz.
> I'm not sure if all their motors have this problem but the one I am using
> does. It's a 70 pound thrust 24 volt motor. I didn't want to use their
> controller since it was $169 and mine cost me about $50 and I can fix or
> change it as I wish (as well as interface to a computer).
> Good Luck with your ROVs, if I can help any futher I will. Don't forget about
> the other vendors. Surf or crawl the Web for their Websites. I just got
> Minnkota's latest brochure which I ordered over their Website and they are now
> listing a 96 pound thrust motor that only draws 56 ampere from 24 volts. It's
> listed on page 25 of their brochure.
> Ken Martindale 

Alan D. Secor
e-mail: secor@btv.ibm.com