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RE: A Simpler Sub

Perhaps he realizes such a controller has a very large potential market
to SCUBA divers who don't want to spend so much time monitoring their
depth and buoyancy.  If he does have a truly functional and compact
unit, it would have a significant market.  That raises a good question
too.  Is such a device already on the market, and can it be adapted to a
sub?  Food for thought.

> ----------
> From: 	Daniel Stuelke[SMTP:dstuelke@magick.net]
> Sent: 	Tuesday, March 24, 1998 2:54 PM
> To: 	personal_submersibles@psubs.org
> Subject: 	Re: A Simpler Sub
> Hello, All - My instructor, the designer
> of the controller, had made it clear to
> me, after some
> prodding, that it was actually an
> electronic device. My impression from
> having tapped his brain on
> more than one occasion, was that what you
> and I would have used wasn't quite as
> esoteric as he would
> have liked. He seemed quite proud of "his"
> controller but I just couldn't drag the
> proprietary
> information out of him.  Heck of a nice
> guy, but stubborn   :-)
> The description you gave is certainly the
> route I would have taken. However, the
> "because it's there"
> syndrome is too overwhelming to pass up by
> electro-techies !
> Rick Lucertini
> Vancouver, Canada
>  Maybe he used optical proximity sensors to control water level inside
> the hull.   Just a thought but it should work.
> Daniel.