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AIP *Again*

*        [There... that's the first 3 lines. <g>] 

        BACK to that AIP ("Air Independent Propulsion") thing for submarines.
I haven't had a chance to surf for the answer to this (I can only spend a
lot of time doing that on weekends).  From what I understand, subs set
up for AIP using "sterling" engines use them for underwater propulsion
(and/or recharging batteries) and diesel-electric propulsion for surface use.

        WHY NOT build a sub with large sterling engines and use them for
BOTH surface and subsurface propulsion?  I'm not an engineer, but it
seems that carrying diesels when you've got sterlings is just redundant.

        If nobody has an answer to this, I'll try to do some net surfing this
weekend and figure something out.  I know there are several sterling engine
websites, and maybe those can shed some light on this question.  While
I've talked about using H2/O2 fuel cells, it seems like sterlings would be
a 'lower tech' propulsion solution, IF a relatively simple heat source 
was available.  Ciao.

-Allan "CGK" Gaines
 North Carolina, USA