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Re: A Simpler Sub

>A blower would work at the surface, though, to change the air after a dive.
>As long as the buoyancy of the air in the cabin "bubble" wasn't being
>relied on to keep the boat from sinking (ie, ballast tanks big enough).

Hi David,
It seems to me that an air tank would be your answer. You wouldn't even need
all the fancy equipment. Just clamp it to the inside of your "bubble" and
set it for a slow release. Air would bleed out the bottom of your bubble. As
long as the sub was nuetrally bouyant with the bubble being filled with air.
Even with that though, you could set the air to bleed out by opening holes
higher in the bubble thereby giving it less bouyancy causing you to sink.
Cover all the bleed holes and positive bouyancy might happen....

I'm off on a tangent. It's all probably obvious...