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Re: New Member, Tom Clancy, and AIP

Mike here,
The answer to your question is:
Forward,between the sonar dome and the "inhabited"
section,Aft,after the engine room but before the propeller. The prop
shaft goes thru the aft MBT
Besides that,for everybody else, they put giant cylinders of
compressed air inside the MBTs to compensate atmo press. inside the sub
Also, as far as I know, O2 scrubbers are "rejuvenated"
by baking the chemicals, as their performance is reduced as moisture
enters the chemicals, so baking them would re-enhance function (But
check with a local university chem lab,OK?)
As far as acrylic domes and fastening them together,
I would think using a waterproof seal + a glue used for acrylic
(preferably waterproof as well) + bolting on a flange would do the trick

Have fun!

---Coast Guard Kiteman <exfloridians@ecsu.campus.mci.net> wrote:
> At 09:15 PM 3/10/1998 -0800, you wrote:
> >Permission to come aboard,Sir
>         <snip>
> >Fair winds and following seas,
> >Mike Young 
> >ex-MSSN3(SS)
>         Hello, Mike.  Welcome to the list.
>         I've got a "real" submarine question, and maybe you can
answer it.
> I probably could have asked here before and someone else would know,
> but I just thought to ask it now.
>         WHERE on a submarine (at least a nuke boat) are the ballast
> tanks located?  What I mean is, are they concentric around the entire
> hull, or located forward and aft of the 'inhabited' portion of the
> I'm reading "SUBMARINES: A Guided Tour Inside A Nuclear Warship",
> by Tom Clancy, but as far as I can tell, he doesn't go into detail
> that.
>         BTW, for all the rest of you:  Although Clancy's book is
> about nuclear subs, there are some references to subs with non-
> nuclear "AIP" [Air Independent Propulsion] systems in use or being
> developed.  Some are Sterling-engine based, and others are based
> on H2-O2 fuel cells.  This goes along with that fictional novel I 
> mentioned reading a few months ago, dealing with subs, especially an
> AIP sub being used by the USN.  [Can't remember the title or author,
> and the book's no longer here.]
> -Allan "CGK" Gaines
>  North Carolina, USA

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