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Re: Pressure regulation


 My idea is to flush air through the cabin all the time using an air
compresser to vent air out. the regulator on the incoming bottled air
source would keep the cabin pressure constant.
 If I am being unrealistic about the amount of air flow it would require
to keep the CO2 and O2 levels safe in the entire cabin I guess I could
feed the incoming air through a hospital type oxygen mask so I would
only be breathing the "new" air.

 As far as a regulator with one side of the diaphragm sealed to a one
atm reference. Any sealed chamber with a vent valve would work open the
valve and close it again and it's referenced at one atm, although I
would want some type of adjustment to compensate for temperature

 Maybe I'll decide a rebreather system makes more sense, but I dont know
a whole lot about them and the price of commercial units is pretty