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Re: Ambient-Dry (was:Pressure regulation)


> Do you have, or do you know a clever way to figure, how much the water
> level inside will rise as that 'glass' submerges? I mean, the air pressure
> is rising to match the outside (water) pressure because the air is getting
> squished into a smaller area and the cabin is being invaded by water from
> underneath. I'm wondering how much extra space you're leaving down there so
>  feet don't start getting wet as you go deeper. Or will it not even
> rise that much, so that it isn't a concern? Or do you keep adding air to
> maintain the same volume while maintaining the same pressure? Or... what?

If you dont' add air to an ambient pressure design the the volume of air space 
		Depth		Volume
		Surface		100%
		32 feet		50%
		64 feet		33%
		96 feet		25%
		128 feet	20%

> What sorts of depths and times are those? I'm not asking so I can fake my
> way around study or training, scuba certification, etc. -- but so's I'll
> know what range that is so I can make sure I'm avoiding it altogether.

Consult a dive table. Just about any book on scuba diving has a sameple table
and directions on how to use it.
