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Hi Stan,

>Also, thanks for the web site reference.  So, I'll eat some crow.  Still,
>seems to me to be beyond the realm of the home builder, and I'll bet the
>tag is wow!

I think your probably correct. This is what I know about this because I plan
a 1 ATM sub made of this myself.
1) The material is called Polymethyl Methacrylite and is available from the
manufacturer in cylinders up to 10 ft in diam. This means that it will not
have to be made in a fabrication shop saving "some" of the costs.
2) The cylinders are available from Reynolds Polymer Technology in
Grand Junction, Colorado. The commercial products manager is Loyd Teague
and his phone number is 800/433-9293 or 970/241-4700. The fax is
This contact was given to me by a reliable source but I haven't verified it
myself yet.

    I think that since it comes in cylinders already, it shouldn't be beyond
the realm of the home builder. Even to put a couple of steel hemispheres on
the end of a cylinder would be acceptable as a sub and think of the
outstanding view you would have. I was thinking that the group would find
benefit in placing a peice of this cylinder as their sail on the sub. Most
of the subs I have seen have had the pilot looking out through a number of
viewports placed in the sail. If you could use the existing sub hull and
place the different sail on made of the acrylic, you would end up with great
visability from your current sub. Obviously this dosen't help those that
plan to use fighter canopies and stuff...

    I am actually still trying to determine an acceptable way to connect the
cylinders to the steel portion. If anyone has had experience with this,
please speak up.
