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Life Support, was Acrylic viewing dome

Hi All

Take a look at the Sources page. There is some stuff there already. We can
make a Chemical or Environmental section to the Sources page for this 

Once someone gets a process going that works, actually worked for 72 hours
while sealed in hull, then we can do a white paper. Until then I'll just
collect pointers to sources.

So send me your pointers.


> Ray,
> Can we get this type of thing documented on the web site?  Maybe an
> environmental section?  This type of information is somewhat elusive
> and would be a great help to have recorded in a central place.
> Jon
> Alan D. Secor wrote:
> > You can get Sofnolime from O.C. Lugo Co. http://www.oclugo.com/
> > This is the absorbant used in the Uwatec/Drager Atlantis I rebreather.
> > I believe the price is in the $1-$2 /lb range depending on quantity.
> >
> > With respect to O2 regulation, I'm using a standard (ball type) O2 flow
> > meter
> > to regulate the flow into the cabin at .2-.5 lpm.  I have a standard O2
> > analyzer to monitor FO2 percent and a barameter to monitor cabin pressure
> > to insure it neither increases or decreases.  The flow rate needs to be
> > adjusted based on an individual's rate of metabolizing O2.  Hope this
> > helps.
> >
> > Al
> >