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From owner-owner@whoweb.com Tue Feb 10 12:48:38 1998
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Date: Tue, 10 Feb 1998 12:48:37 -0500 (EST)
From: owner-personal_submersibles@psubs.org
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To: owner-personal_submersibles@psubs.org
Subject: BOUNCE personal_submersibles@psubs.org:    Non-member submission from ["Sean Walinga" <swalinga@telusplanet.net>]   
Status: R

>From listmstr@whoweb.com  Tue Feb 10 12:48:33 1998
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From: "Sean Walinga" <swalinga@telusplanet.net>
To: <Subscuba@aol.com>
Cc: <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Subject: Re: A couple of questions...
Date: 	Tue, 10 Feb 1998 10:50:43 -0700
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> Hello Sean,
Hi Ken,
> keep my eye on fuel cell development, especially for the
> electric car.
I agree but in the near future, batteries and thrusters are the most sensible and affordable way to
(besides human power of course but considering the shape I'm in I guess thats not sensible either)

> That leaves the question of what batteries to use. The answers I have depend
> on your application. 
Simply stated, my application is as follows:
A 1 atmosphere acrylic pod nested in an ambient pressure hull. The batteries will remain in the pod
with the pilot and passenger. Besides the hatch, there will be two high pressure fittings to allow
the air and electrical to reach the ambient pressure hull components (i.e.. thrusters, planes,
ballast tanks, etc.) I will need batteries that will operate in any position.

> recommend the newer Absorbed Glass Mat (AGM)
Are you aware of any special venting required with these batteries? (in a 1 atm environment)

> solving the hydrogen evolution problem, maybe. 
Hmmm....   Maybe....   Doesn't sound that positive.

> they are more expensive. 
Trying to save money where possible is good but getting the right tool for the job is more

> batteries have to withstand the ambient pressure 
I will be placing them in the 1 atm pod so this is no longer a concern.

> 3 or 4 atmospheres of external pressure. 
With the pilot and passenger (and batteries) in the 1 atm pod, the sub will have a maximum depth of
about 500-600 ft.

> I require 3 each.
3 each? Each what? Each thruster?

> I hope this helps 
This helps immensely! Thanks for all your advice. 
If I understand things properly, you are planning to put AGM class 27 batteries in the battery box
in your sub? Considering the placement of your battery box, I can be confident that these batteries
will be safe to use.

> please don't include the original messge
I usually add an old peice of text to prod the memory without having to look up the old message. It
also gives other readers an understanding of what's talked about.

Thanks again,