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Survey says

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Name:	Al Secor
e-mail: secor@btv.ibm.com
City:	Candor
State:	New York
Country: USA
Level of intrest (no/yes/actively working on it/planning/someday):
	Owner:		yes
	Operator:	yes
	Builder:	Taylor Commercial Submarines / myself	
	Want to build:	In progress
	Interested:	yes
	Vaguely interested: yes
Skills (licensed/skilled amature/learned back in high school/don't know 
       /learning/planning to learn/no):
	Welder:			Amateur
	Engineer (marine):	No
	Engineer (other): 	Electrical
	Machining:		No
	Scuba:			SSI/PDIC/TDI Instructor (Nitrox & Rebreather)
	Plastic forming:	No
Tools (have/have access/will get access/no):
	Arc welder:		yes
	Gas Welder (type):	Torches
	Lathe:			no
	Milling machine:	no
Desimination of information (yes/no):
	Put on web site:	yes
	One time e-mail to group:	no, not if on web site
	Only give out if permission if gotten first:	no
	For Ray Keefer use only:	no

Al Secor  Dept FBAG   Tel: 607-752-5373  Tie: 852-5373

e-mail: secor@btv.ibm.com