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Fwd: Web Page Message


Do we have any knowledge base to help?


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Return-Path: <www@www2.netcom.com>
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Date: Wed, 29 Oct 1997 07:15:41 -0800
Message-Id: <199710291515.HAA06440@www2>
From: robertsloan@sprintmail.com
Reply-to: robertsloan@sprintmail.com
To: rayek@ix.netcom.com
Subject: Web Page Message

An un-authenticatable person sends a message from one of your 
web pages.

>From URL:
	I am in the process of building a two man sub with a 
displacement of 8000lbs. 
My hull is just about finished and I have been searching for 
some motors
to use for my main drives. I was wondering if you may have 
any information
that would help. I have no pictures at this time but when I 
get some I 
will send them along. Thanks

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