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Hydrogen [used in fuel cells]

[I attempted to post this once before, but it got bounced back due to an
address something-or-other.  In case I didn't resend it then, I'm posting
it now.  If I did resend it, then disregard.]

In a previous post, I mentioned an article referring to the Hindenberg
disaster.  Here is a quote from a message off an airship mailing list I use
to be on (until I got so far behind reading I had to stop reading it).  This
came up when discussing the relative safety of hydrogen.

>Check out a copy of the April-May AIR & SPACE /SMITHSONIAN -- it features 
>R. Van Treuren's article on hydrogen vs. the "Hindenburg" ("Colorless, 
>Odorless, Blameless," p. 14-16).
>This is a good capsule summary of the new interpretation of what caused 
>the LZ 129 to burn. (Now being serialized in more detail in "Buoyant 