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Date: Tue, 14 Oct 1997 16:47:17 -0400 (EDT)
Message-Id: <199710142047.QAA20827@aus-c.mp.campus.mci.net>
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To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
From: Coast Guard Kiteman <exfloridians@ecsu.campus.mci.net>
Subject: More About Hydrogen

        In a previous post, I mentioned an article referring to the Hindenberg
disaster.  Here is a quote from a message off an airship mailing list I use
to be on (until I got so far behind reading I had to get off that list).

        This topic came up when discussing the relative safety of hydrogen,
which is used in fuel cells which could be used to power persoanl submarines.

>Check out a copy of the April-May AIR & SPACE /SMITHSONIAN -- it features 
>R. Van Treuren's article on hydrogen vs. the "Hindenburg" ("Colorless, 
>Odorless, Blameless," p. 14-16).
>This is a good capsule summary of the new interpretation of what caused 
>the LZ 129 to burn. (Now being serialized in more detail in "Buoyant 

-Allan "CGK" Gaines