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Mailing List Changed


The personal_submersibles mailing list has been converted to the
PSUBS.ORG domain name.  Please address all discussion mail to:

Mail addressed to the mailing list at the whoweb.com domain will
be returned with a message describing the domain name change to
PSUBS.ORG.  Please feel free to try this out and let me know if
you do not get a message pointing you to the PSUBS.ORG domain.
We want to make sure we properly redirect anyone sending mail to
the old address.

Members who pledged a donation to secure the PSUBS.ORG domain
need to send in their money ASAP.  InterNIC will be sending the
bill out soon and if payment is not received they will disable
the domain.  Send your donation to:

	PSUBS Domain Name
	Advanced Digital Research
	PO Box 311
	Weare, NH  03281

Gary Boucher:           $ 10.00
Jon Hyland:             $ 10.00
Ray Keefer:             $ 10.00
Richard O'connor:       $ 10.00
Martin Sanderse:        $ 10.00
Alan D. Secor:          $ 10.00
Jon Wallace:            $ 10.00 (PAID)
Pat Woodruff:           $ 10.00
Jim Woolfrey:           $ 10.00
Brenda Wulf-ElSayed     $ 10.00