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Re: fuel cells

At 11:13 AM 10/8/1997 -0400, jon@zk3.dec.com wrote:
>Hmmm...there must be some hefty safety issues involved when using the hydrogen.

        Well, hydrogen is used in industry and by the space program and has
been for decades with little problem.  Remember that those 8-12 gallons
of refined petroleum in the tank of your car aren't exactly benign, either. <g>

        Despite the Hindenberg <sp?> mess, Zepplins flew around the world
for years without accident (NOT that I'm advocating airships using hydrogen
as a lifting gas).  Also, recent speculation has come to light suggesting
that the actual cause of that accident was the (flammable) fabric covering of
the airship itself and what it was coated with.  I think "Air & Space
ran an article on it this or last year.

>But assuming those could be overcome effectively, what would the cost of such
>a system be?  What about the cost of replenishment?

        Don't know off-hand, but some systems are available commercially.  And
remember the reason gel-cell batteries are cheaper is that they are mass
produced.  If fuel cells go the same way, their cost will go WAY down.