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Re: more cabin questions

> Ok, the scrubber sounds pretty straight forward...but he's another
> silly question.  If oxygen is allowed to bleed into the cabin, eventually
> the pressure should rise past 1ATM.  What method is used to counter the
> buildup of atmospheric pressure in the cabin?  Is some sort of pressure
> relief valve used?
> Jon
Not silly at all....you bleed O2 in at the rate you metabolize it.  For
instance, a body at rest may metabolize something like .2-.5 liters per
minute of O2.  Therefore you just flow the O2 at that rate.  I plan on
having an onboard O2 analyzer (which I can show you how to build from a
sensor and voltmeter) to monitor if the concentration is too high or too
low. Also, I plan to have a barometer onboard to monitor changes in cabin
pressure.  You'll also need a vent valve for when you surface, if the 
pressure is slightly negative with respect to outside, you'll never get
you hatch open ;-)  Ray has asked me to send him a photo of all my parts
I have collected to date so you'll be able to see the various regs, flow
meters, scrubber parts, etc on the web page (hopefully in the not too
distant future)!
Al Secor
e-mail: secor@btv.ibm.com