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Re: Hello

On Mon, 6 Oct 1997 16:40:48 -0400 (EDT), Jonathan Wallace
<jon@whoweb.com> wrote:

> What's your anticipated maximum dive depth with the vehicle?  Have you
> any numbers on the budget for the vehicle?

Well, I'm not really sure, but I'm hoping for about 300 feet. That may
turn out to be a little unrealistic, though... Given the kind of
compound curve the canopy has, how thick would it need to be? How
about fiberglass/epoxy composite? Does anyone have any
numbers/formulae for that type of thing?

Costing is another thing I'm getting to. Some of it will depend on the
cost of the various components I will have to buy, like the canopy,
rebreather system, and the motor. There's a rebreather page on the web
where a home-built system is described, and it cost about $500 to
build. I assume the motor would be somewhere in the $500-1000 range.
The canopy I have absolutely no idea.

All in all, though, assuming the canopy isn't too much (like under a
couple thousand), I suspect I could build it for about $15-20,000 or
so. That's just a gut-feeling guess, though, with no hard information
gathered yet.

> The design pages look great. Very sleek.
> Welcome to PSUBS

Thanks. Do any of the members of the list have web pages describing
their projects or thoughts?
