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Hi Jonathan,

Change my pledge from $10 to $12.


> From personal_submersibles-owner@whoweb.com  Mon Oct  6 11:03:22 1997
> X-Authentication-Warning: whoweb.com: majordom set sender to owner-Personal_Submersibles@whoweb.com using -f
> Date: Mon, 6 Oct 1997 14:02:51 -0400 (EDT)
> From: Jonathan Wallace <jon@whoweb.com>
> To: personal_submersibles@whoweb.com
> Hello,
> We have raised $90 of the required $100 necessary to
> secure the PSUBS.ORG domain name for our group here.
> It's been a while since my last posting so I assume
> everyone who wants to donate has done so.
> If anyone who hasn't donated yet wants to, please send
> me mail ASAP.  Instead of waiting however, I will get
> ADR to spring for the final $10 so we can move forward,
> and set up the domain.
> If you're name is listed below, please send your
> donation to:
> 	PSUBS.ORG Domain Name
> 	Advanced Digital Research
> 	PO Box 311
> 	Weare, NH 03281
> When all the money has arrived, I will complete the
> domain registration form and submit it to InterNIC.
> We should have domain access a day or two later.  In
> addition, ADR will provide free email forwarding for
> all contributors who would like an email address
> utilizing the PSUBS.ORG name space.  For example,
> 	jon@psubs.org
> This email address will forward mail to any address
> you choose, most likely your regular ISP account, but
> we can forward it to your work email address as well
> if that's what you prefer.  In my case, email addressed
> to jon@psubs.org will be forwarded to jon@whoweb.com.
> We should also have a main contact or representative
> for the group that receives mail addressed to
> info@psubs.org or something similar.  I'd like to
> nominate Ray Keefer to fill this role, assuming he'd
> be willing to accept it.
> ADR will also create an FTP account so that web pages
> can be uploaded to the server.  Ray can continue to
> own web page development for the site and make changes
> at will.
> If you're a contributor and want a psubs.org mailing
> address, send me the following info:
> 	1) Psubs user name (jon is taken, see above)
> 	2) The forwarding address for your psubs email
> If there are any other ways you would like to see the
> domain name used, or additional email accounts that you
> think the group needs, feel free to make suggestions.
> *********************************************
>  WWW.PSUBS.ORG Domain Name Fund Contributors
> *********************************************
> Target Amount:          $100.00
> Gary Boucher:           $ 10.00
> Ray Keefer:             $ 10.00
> Richard O'connor:       $ 10.00
> Martin Sanderse:        $ 10.00
> Alan D. Secor:          $ 10.00
> Jon Wallace:            $ 10.00
> Pat Woodruff:           $ 10.00
> Jim Woolfrey:           $ 10.00
> Brenda Wulf-ElSayed     $ 10.00
> --------------------------------
> Current Total:          $ 90.00