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Fwd: Web Page Message

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Date: Mon, 22 Sep 1997 12:08:36 -0700
Message-Id: <199709221908.MAA03720@www2>
From: davros@gte.net
Reply-to: davros@gte.net
To: rayek@ix.netcom.com
Subject: Web Page Message

An un-authenticatable person sends a message from one of your web pages.

>From URL:
    I was very interestead in seeing your site. Obviously, building a 
personal submarine has been a fantasy of mijne 
for quite some time. I was impressed with your site, especially with the 
group who built a small sub out of a propane tank. 
I was under the impression that they were using the large industrial sized 
ones found behind restaruants and such. I do have a few questions if I could 
impose on your 
near infinite knowledge. Has it ever been discussed of building a periscope 
for small subs? Also what of a ventallation system? Is the air bled 
periodically? If so, how do you know
that it is the co2 you are bleeding off and not the o2? Plus I like the guy 
who built his out of a gas line pipe. Any suggestions where I could find a 
pipe similar? Thank you for your time and help.    Chris Gunn

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