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Re: Summer Projects

Hi Jon,

All I have done is read the ABS book and plan for my sailboat. SAILBOAT?
Yes, sailboat. My plan is to build:

Step			Goal
----			----
Sailboat (small, 8')	to get basic building and fiberglassing skills
			and have a boat that gets me on the water more
Sailboat (weekender)	(optional)
			more fiberglassing or maybe steel constructiom 
			Scuba dive platform
Ambient Pressure Sub	cheapest way to go, gets me under 
One-Atmosphere Sub	Ultimate goal

I have had a few e-mail by non-listserver people. One is a professor down
in Texas who has built a sub. I have images and will put them on the web when
I can. 

I have been too busy to do much else. 
