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Re: PSUBS Crush/Depth Calculator online

> > Question. Should I call us:
> > 
> >         PSUBS
> > 
> > or
> > 
> >         Personal Submersibles?

Martin had the long name on his web page, Ray had the short.  I thought we'd
survive being called either one so I combined them. (well ok, I just didn't
want to piss anyone off by selecting one or the other.  HA! :) )

I like the long name "officially" because I think PSUBS is non-descriptive.
But I like PSUBS because it's much more catchy and less formal.  So I vote for
adopting both, the long version to be used for formal issues, the short version
for those times when the person you're talking to knows that your reference to
PSUBS means "Personal Submersibles".
