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Re: Anyone out there?

jon@zk3.dec.com wrote:
> >RE: Poissons Ratio
> >Values for some materials are as follows:  (I can send more)
> Martin, can you send me as many as you feel like writing in a mail message?
> Thanks,
> Jon

Aluminum .334
Beryllium copper .285
Brass  .340
cast Iron, grey  .211
Copper  .340
Iconel  .290
Lead  .431
Monel metal  .320
Nickel Silver  .322
Phosphor bronze  .349
Rubber  .5
	cast  .265
	High Carbon  .295
	mild  .303
	nickel  .291
wrought Iron  .278
Zinc  .331


Actually, is you use .300 it will be OK if A36 (used for structural steel) is used  
Otherwise use the mild steel number.

Martin Sanderse
Please change your reference to my e-mail address!
	FROM: sanderse@hotstar.net
	TO:   sanderse@interlog.com