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PSUBS Crush/Depth Calculator online


I've got the pressure hull crush depth calculator webpage online, though
not yet functional.  I still have the programming back end to finish up,
so for now the 'submit' button merely points you back to the same page.

You can link to the page if you like, but it most likely will be changing
as soon as I get all the pieces together.  I'll let you know it's
'final resting place' (ooooo...if I were supersticious) when it finds its
final home.

Right now all figures are in american units, but I'll be adding a metric
version as well.  If anyone has any other Poisson Ratio's and Modulus of
Elasticity figures for other materials, please send them along to me so
I can add to the list.  I currently have the Poisson figures for all the
options in the materials list (thanks Martin) but I only have the MofE
for steel.

