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Re: survey


	Let's not do a web page with the end goal of getting a good survey
going. Let's do a web page that is useful to us, a resource. 

	I can think of a few sub-topics (Punny) we can use. Like:

	- Real submarines (military and research) web pages
	- Commercially availible personal submersibles
	- Sources of plans for personal submersibles
	- Articles for how to build personal submersibles
	- Specs, design criteria, formulas, .....
	- Trade-offs between wet, semi-dry, and dry subs
	- Regulations and Certification Authorities
	- Helpful boat building books or techniques
	- Sources for materials, parts
	- Helpful training
	- Mission statement:

		To encourage and to engage in designing, building, and 
		operating personal submersibles.


> From personal_submersibles-owner@whoweb.com  Fri Feb 28 11:33:48 1997
> X-Authentication-Warning: whoweb.com: majordom set sender to owner-Personal_Submersibles@whoweb.com using -f
> Date: Fri, 28 Feb 1997 14:07:20 -0500
> From: Martin Sanderse <sanderse@hotstar.net>
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> To: Personal_Submersibles@whoweb.com
> Subject: Re: survey
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> Jonathan Wallace wrote:
> > 
> > I wouldn't be too disappointed in the results Ray.  We don't seem to be the
> > most active group I've ever known.  :)
> > 
> > Maybe we should consider an online web survey and publish the results
> > dynamically.  That way they could be added to at any time and we could just
> > point people to the web page.  It would be an interesting project...what do
> > you think?
> Well, Kathy Roberson and I did up a big survey thing for a different group and people 
> stayed awy from it in droves.  (We learned how to do forms and surveys anyway)  Perhaps 
> we should get some more subscribers, a home page, and then put on the big push for 
> surveys and so on.
> Martin