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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] FW: sub ops

All:  as a first time attendee to the convention I would like to add my $.02.  The people who attended were the most welcoming and when thing went...south, so to speak, they were one of the best support crews.  In salvaging said sub there was no shortage of ideas and work arounds for snags that came up.  As one of the support divers, they gave excellent help to me and my partner as we dove on the sub.
Provided I can make the next convention I will be there to support the dive ops in the safety diver role.

On Jan 16, 2011 10:04 AM, "David Bartsch" <dbartsch2236@hotmail.com> wrote:
> From: Recon1st@aol.com
> Date: Sun, 16 Jan 2011 08:47:00 -0500
> Subject: Re: sub oops
> To: dbartsch2236@hotmail.com
> Dave I for one thank you for bringing this up.
> Now the past months make sense. I new
> something was wrong but never dreamed it
> was this severe. I am not sure this group can
> survive with this hanging over it. Some people
> are going to have to step up.
> take care
> Dean
> In a message dated 1/16/2011 7:37:32 A.M. Central Standard Time, dbartsch2236@hotmail.com writes:
> Dean,
> I do not wish any ill to come to anyone. I am sure most boats just hitting the water have not only new captains at the wheel but bugs to work out.
> My wife has Lupus and RA and I am needed to concentrate more on making what left of the time with her worth while. She has been given 2 to 8 years by her doctor.
> I will tinker with sonar and other things and will never turn anyone away who shows an interest no matter the club affiliation. Although I have left the door open for future participation, I am not sure Jon will be willing to allow this.
> I would ask that you direct the questions to him and he hopefully will enter into a detailed in-club discussion as I feel he should.
> I was the best qualified to finally speak up about this event as i was in the process of leaving anyway. others i feel would have opened up but failed to do so in fear of losing membership. I have nothing at this point to lose. The group needs to mature. If we as individuals make mistakes being human, why not we as a group acting together? We need to learn and grow. This is how we get better.
> The secrecy is not healthy for this club...look at the past conventions...one promises pictures soon but none are ever delivered. This makes me wonder what happened at this event. Who's boat sank on this occasion. You get the picture.
> I will leave all the pictures on the site as I said I hold nothing against anyone. My ability to add new one's will probably not be possible.
> Someone had to say "the emperors naked". It was just little old me.
> David Bartsch
> From: Recon1st@aol.com
> Date: Sun, 16 Jan 2011 08:23:37 -0500
> Subject: sub oops
> To: dbartsch2236@hotmail.com
> Dave I figured something was not good with
> the convention, but never dreamed it was
> as drastic as it was.
> Can you give me some info on what happened?
> Sorry to hear your wife is not doing well.
> It is always very difficult when a loved one
> is involved. Hang in there friend.
> Dean=