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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] ignorant


I have never had a reaction such as you describe from a scuba guy or gal. They are uniformly interested in the subs and sub business, or at least have been so far. Mind you, I've never had a landlocked instructor rattle on about the Coast Guard, either. They don't have any. And no interaction save trips to the beach/coast or the Internet, I would think.

The real problem with scuba instructors used to be the holier-than-thou, looking-down-the-nose at the poor lost, ignorant (and possibly stupid) non-scuba diver. Anyone not up to their (imagined) level was hardly worth the time of day. You seem to have found one of those. I hate it when ignorance and arrogance meet, don't you? The best solution for a person who cheats at golf is simply to not play with him. That's the gentleman's response. Same with your guy, or at least it would be for me.

Mind you, I would be hard-pressed not to offer him advice on his impending plexiotomy, which he so obviously needs. For the uninitiated, a plexiotomy is the surgical removal of a segment of the front abdominal wall, and its replacement by a piece of plexiglass, so that someone with his head up his ass can see where he is going.

Don't let it get you down, Dave. But I wouldn't take a class from an idiot, either. The foundations of scuba-dooba aren't too complicated, but they are very important. This guy might let his vanity leach over into the serious bidness of staying alive and healthy underwater. We can't have that, can we? 


-----Original Message-----
From: David Bartsch <dbartsch2236@hotmail.com>
To: personal_submersibles <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Sent: Thu, Jan 13, 2011 11:49 pm
Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] ignorant

To all:
  I have finally contacted a nearby college about taking a divers course as has been highly recommended. This will run me $360.00 and be about 3 weeks long. It is conducted in a heated pool (not that I am a wimp or anything) and I need to supply both my fins and face mask...anyway...
  I told the instructor that returned my call about the submarines I enjoy watching the building progress on. This was as it turns out a really stupid mistake.
  I cut my discussion with him short when he factually informed me that he felt such submarines were illegal according to the Coast Guard. I directed him to the psub website.
  I know we run into this frequently and do not wish to be a bad ambassador to our hobby so must ask for advice...
   As this interaction continues, how best can I inform this ignorant individual about the legal ownership and use of small submarines? In the months to come when this diving course is being performed, should I direct inquiries from him to someone a bit more in the know...a REAL diplomat, or should I be rehearsed as how best to proceed?
  Does a resentment exist between the submarine and diving communities that I am presently unaware?
  I see an opportunity here to better inform someone about these small submarines but do not wish to botch this play.
  Please advise.
David Bartsch