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[PSUBS-MAILIST] broadband underwater communications conclusions

To all:
    Having tested this broadband underwater communications concept in many differing locations and after giving the performance results in-depth review I have come to the following conclusion:
    The simple broadband underwater communications system can be used as a low cost alternative for individuals diving in fresh water lakes and rivers however the noise levels found in at least shallow salt water render the range so short due to additional interferences as to make alternative communications systems more desirable. 
    This system was a result of research and although two way communications are possible with this system, a maximum range of 420 feet is the most we have ever been able to reliably achieve. Researching this system has provided us with the reasons why other more reliable communications means were developed. In short, we learned something.
    I recommend that an alternative perhaps commercially available UQC system be deployed as the only if not the primary communications system in both environments and that this system if available at all be used as a casual backup if for no other use but as a biologic monitoring system. No evidence has yet been provided that divers can even hear this system with the unaided ear.
David Bartsch